Music plants electroculture pyramid technology presentation Yannick Van Doorne

Electroculture, influence of music on plants, pyramid technology, extract of presentation from Yannick Van Doorne at the Eternal Knowledge festival in England in April 2012.
Title : Ancient techniques applied to food production.

The first 10 minute part is more about music and plants. The next part is more about electroculture and pyramid technology applied for the garden and agriculture.

To donwload the complete presentation or get the DVD :

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Amazing people
Electroculture introduction
electroculture et magnetoculture
electroculture, techniques innovantes en agriculture. L’utilisation astucieuse de l’électricité et du magnétisme pour fertiliser le sol, augmenter les récoltes et protéger les cultures. Electroculture et magnetoculture sont des techniques de cultures enc

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